Monday, April 23, 2012

Weight Loss

I love seeing new numbers on the scale.  I was 152 today!!!!

From our trip to SF in December - this jeans are now falling off me , I can hardly keep them up!!

I think back to the days of 164+ and I am so happy how far I have come.  It's been a really rocky journey but it seems to me that things are finally starting to come out in my favor.  I just hope to keep the momentum going.

I think whats been a huge help is Chrial Balance.  If you have PCOS- please check out the link, and speak with your doctor.  I am also taking MetforminER and changed my diet to reduce carbs - but I truly feel that the DCI has given my body a huge boost.  I'm so so grateful to have known about this.  

I think for me it took about 8 weeks to get in my system. I have noticed an improvement in acne and unwanted hair growth.  Check out my progress here :

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